Tuesday 7 October 2008

as representation homework

Choose two stereotypical characters from any television drama.

Why are they a stereotype?

What are there characteristics?

Can you give other examples of the stereotype they belong to?

This is due for Friday's lesson (10/10/08)

Copies of your posts will be handed on to HR.


Erin. D said...

I have chosen Hollyoaks as my tv drama.

I have picked Zak Ramsey & Carmel McQueen, as my two characters.

Zak is the stereotypical Scouser. His loves football, has a shaven head and loves women. He could also belong as a stereotypical student, as he doesn't work, can't cook and has endless amounts of parties.

Carmel is the stereotypical blonde bimbo. She is slow, comical and over-tanned. However she could also be stereotyped as a beautican. As she works in a salon, is very talkative and is also very sweet.

Kingsmead Film and Media said...

Well done for such a prompt post, but this could be examined in a little more detail.

Jo said...

Is this homework for us or the one below sorry me and law wasnt at your or miss's lesson ( dunno which teacher we were ment to have) on tuesday the bus whichs picks us up from chase high did not turn up and we would have missed way to much of the lesson if we were to make our own way there. We have complained to miss spilbury the head of 6th form at our school to see whats going on as this is the 2nd time our bus didnt turn up. We will catch up on the work we missed as soon as we can. And do the homework depending on which it is (?).

Jansen =D said...

The TV Drama I Am Doing Is House.
I Have Chosen Gregory House And James Wilson As My Characters.

Gregory House is stereotyped as a 'horrible person' this is because of his characteristics, as he acts as if he doesnt care about people, and is quite angry and sarcastic towards people, but the truth is that he actually does care about people he just doesnt show it, and comes across as a jerk to people. Another example like this is 'Doctor Cox' from 'Scrubs' as he also acts as if he doesnt care and is very sarcastic most of the time, but again he does actually care but doesnt show it, so he too would be stereotyped as a horrible person.

James Wilson is stereotyped as your typical 'funny/likeable character' This is because of the way he tends to joke a lot and is intrested in peoples feelings. 'JD' from scrubs is also in this stereotype as he too is a funny and likeable character, and tends to care about peoples feelings.


Hayley said...

Coronation Street.
Blanche Hunt and Becky Grainger

Blanche Hunt, otherwise known as Derdre's mom, is a typical overaged pensioner. She knows exactly what strings to pull to get her own way. She's got a sharp tong that affends everyone and anyone she comes across and she always makes sure her opinion is put forward. Blanche belives that what she thinks is right and that everyone's life should run round her. She's stereo-typical old woman because she's one of those old ladies that expect to be first in the que for the bus, even if she was last to come. She's very annoying , just like those old bitter ladies.

Becky is a typical chavvy blonde bombshell. She'e a loud mouth and can stand up for herself. She always wins an arguement and she's always drinking and doing things she regrets the next morning. She is stereo-typical because you always expect her to be in trouble. Also she also has a good side to her where she respects people that deserve it, for instance Roy. She stands up for what she belives in and wants to make something out of her life even though she hasn't got a very good chance of doing so.


craig :) said...


Michael Kyle:
He is a stereotypical American dad; he is very over protective of his family and is very stubborn. He is an embarrassment to his children, and likes to think he knows everything; he tries to teach his kid’s life lessons by making examples, which very rarely make sense.

Clare Kyle:
She is a stereotypical American teenager, she is rebellious and doesn’t to listen to anything her mom and dad tells her to do. She always brings boys home, sometimes only to spite her dad, as she knows that he doesn’t like her doing it.

craig :) said...


Michael Kyle:
He is a stereotypical American dad; he is very over protective of his family and is very stubborn. He is an embarrassment to his children, and likes to think he knows everything; he tries to teach his kid’s life lessons by making examples, which very rarely make sense.

Clare Kyle:
She is a stereotypical American teenager, she is rebellious and doesn’t to listen to anything her mom and dad tells her to do. She always brings boys home, sometimes only to spite her dad, as she knows that he doesn’t like her doing it.