Thursday 2 October 2008

AS Media Homework (set 2/10/08)

Use BBC iplayer to watch Heroes, series 3, episode 1. Analyse the first three minutes (pre-credit sequence) and discuss all examples of binary opposition you can see. REMEMBER binary opposition means palcing two opposites together to gather one meaning,e.g GOOD V BAD.

This work can be placed in the comments of this blog.


Jansen =D said...

Theres Man Vs Woman at the begining where claire is holding the gun to peter, and attempts to shoot him, there is also good vs bad in that scene. There is also good vs bad where peter goes back in time and shoots that person.

Erin. D said...

I think the Binary oppositions are:

Man vs Woman.
Good vs Evil.
Old vs New.
Dark vs Light.

Hayley said...

When it starts you automatically think that there's binary opposition. This is because it says 'Villans' which makes you think that good people are going to be against villans, or bad people. When claire tries to shoot the man it seems as if claire is the baddy, untill you see the same man shoot someone four years before that. This shows him as being the bad one and claire the good one.

Anonymous said...

Heroes’ Binary opposition’s homework

In the opening sequence you see a man dressed all in black running from something which is unknown to us, he enters a warehouse and we see a girl holding a gun. This gives us our first binary opposition Man vs. Woman, we then see the girls face and we see that she is much younger than the male character; this gives us our second opposition Young vs. Old.

The two then start talking and we can see that the female character is an evil character and the male is good, this gives another opposition Good vs. Evil.

Law!! said...

In Heroes episode 1, series 3. The binaries that are apparent in this episode are; man vs woman, to begin with, also good vs bad although if you are not a follower of the show it is hard to tell which is good and which is bad. It is hard to tell who is good and who is bad as both characters are in black. Stereotypically black is used to symbolise bad and evil, and white is used to symbolise pure and innocence. The man out smarts the woman in this episode, as she goes to shoot him and he dodgies the bullet and runs away. Then she is left there in shock and confusion to where he has gone. Then good vs evil strikes again as, the man with super powers shoots an important man in the chest with a gun. You are then left wondering why, and whether one of the "heroes" will capture him and get him for what happened. This is a gripping first 3 minutes of the opening titles, it makes you want to know whether good will conker evil.

Laura Cockram. :)

Zacky.V said...

Both Characters are wearing black, in a white room, to show their contrast.
Claire's hair colour changes from blonde to black, showing a personality change.

Feels like there's more, but i'm blank.

Dom said...

Binary Oppositions present:

Heroes v Villains
Good v Bad
Love v Hate
Dark v Light
Future v Present
TV Series v Comic Books (Volume/Chapters)