Wednesday 1 October 2008

AS Media Studies Course Overview

(We have recently changed examining body from OCR to WJEC, the full specification can be found at the following website )

This is the requirements for AS media from September 2008

AS (2 units)

Unit 1: MS1 (25% of final A level)   External assessment: Two and a half hour Written Paper.

Title:  Media Representations and Responses

There are 3 compulsary questions, including one on an unseen audio/visual or print based material (print also includes web pages).  The questions are worth 40, 30 & 30 marks.  Total paper mark 100.

Unit 2: MS2 (25% of final A level)  Internal Assessment

Title:   Media Production Processes

There are three components to this unit;

1.  Pre-production (worth 20 marks)
2.  Production which must relate to the pre-production work (worth 40 marks)
3.  Report an evaluative account of the production process (worth 40 marks)

Total unit mark 100

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