A comment was posted on an earlier post, asking for assistance with regards the textual analysis. Here is a copy of my response to this:
The textual analysis is there to show that you have a solid understanding of documentary. Using the previous handouts (the bowling for columbine et.c.), try to determine the mode of address (that is HOW the text decides to address it's audience, for example, does the documentary treat it's audience as an equal or does it "preach" it's issues to them as though they had a lower status than the programme makers) and typical conventions used in your chosen texts.
You can also discuss the representation of groups etc. (remember: documentary is only a construct of reality, not reality itself). Consider the fact that Big Brother contestant always complain about the way they have been edited. Is TRUTH important to your chosen text, which TRUTH do they show?
Also discuss how effective the documentary is and some thought on the broadcaster is also useful. The channel which has commissioned the documentary may have some impact on the content; for example, would the same style of documentary be on BBC1 and Channel 4?
Use as much media terminology as you possibly can. This analysis is a follow on from your textual analysis from last year. Although the texts are non-fiction they are still populated with Characters, Narratives and intended for specific Audiences, use the appropriate theories for each.
If the text is a character led through it's presenter, what impact would this have?
Remember, everything you find out about these documentaries you should use when you start to construct your own. It is always useful to look at existing texts to see what they did right and what they did wrong.
Does this help? If there is anything else you would like to know please post as a comment and I will answer as soon as possible.
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